Wednesday, September 5, 2012

More tired than I realized

Well... it's not that I haven't had time to blog, it's more of that I haven't had anything to blog about. Traveling up and down gives me pretty interesting things at work. But outside work, I've had the opportunity to meet some very interesting people, as well as to be in very interesting situations.

Firstly, have I mentioned how Indonesian friends are very excited about introducing you to a potential partner if they like you? :) It's a very good way and apparently the best way to meet new potential partners in Indonesia. Forget about online dating and algorithms, networking into a relationship is the best thing to do here. In fact, your friends will also arrange the dinner venue, post dinner activities, etc, you just need to show up.

I have also been thinking about getting a new handphone to replace my BlackBerry which is dying... and... I'm going to replace it with another BlackBerry. Yes, I know RIM is dying, and that BlackBerries are so 2000, and that they suck. But I have several very valid reasons

1. Just about everybody carries a BlackBerry in Indonesia. You want to meet people? Expect that they will use BlackBerry Messenger to chat with you. In fact, not only do they carry a BlackBerry, I've met people that carry TWO Blackberries.

2. There is no equal handphone for serious chatting and messaging. The BlackBerry keyboard beats a touchscreen handphone, regardless of whether you're using Swype or any of the other keyboards on the iPhone or Android.

3. BlackBerries are generally cheaper than other phones.

4. I can get an extended battery for the BlackBerry. Yes, I know SEIDIO also carries batteries for other phones, but because other phones are generally larger, with the extended battery, the phone becomes significantly larger.

For the record, I also have a Samsung Galaxy S3 :P So, I think if you've got a decent phone, a BlackBerry in Indonesia as a second phone is a pretty good idea.

Other that, yeah, the rest of the past several weeks have generally been the same. Quiet when I'm not in Jakarta but a lot more activities here.

Oh, yes, I didn't realize how tired I was until I slept at 1am, and my handphone died so the alarm didn't go off. Ended up waking up at 12.... guess I should be getting more sleep more often.


Lumin8 feat. Sahana - Here with me (Alex Junkie & Defekt remix)